
Kindergarten Classes @ The Animal Behaviour Centre


These are ‘pre-school’ classes for your puppy where they can meet and play with other puppies of a similar age in a controlled environment. All puppies must be inoculated and ready for play in line with your vets’ recommendation. The puppies will learn to sit, down and stand as well as come when called and play nicely with the owner and toys. The owners are taught how to groom and inspect their puppies without causing the puppy any distress. The puppies will also have the opportunity to play with interactive toys such as activity mats.

Young handlers are very welcome as are parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles, but young handlers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian

What to bring:

  • Your  dog’svaccination certificates and ensure that your dog is vaccinated and their boosters are up to date.  They need to be wormed regularly.
  • Bring a toy for your dog to play with.
  • Some treats in a tub or pot (dont use a plastic bag, which at best is fiddly and at worst could be swallowed by a dog)
  • Your dog’s grooming equipment.
  • If you currently use a ‘Halti’ or ‘Gentle leader’ type collar or a hraness then of course bring that.
  • Ensure there is an up to date Identity disc attached to your dog’s collar.
  • please make sure to bring some bags and to clean up after your dog

Costs: £10 per class – payment may be made in cash or cheque .