Companion Dog

Companion Dog Classes @ The Animal Behaviour Centre

StockSnap_HRVE3RBCEFCompanion dog training classes, once more commonly known as obedience classes teaching both handler and dog the basic commands (cues) of dog training. This area of dog training has changed more dramatically than any other dog training field. Exercises were taught in line with competition obedience, the modern day companion class should not only teach the handler the fundamentals of how dogs learn and how they perceive things but also teach the dog what is expected of them.

A companion dog class will teach exercises that are relevant to both you and your dog and should have a positive effect on the bond you have with your dog. There is simply no truth in the saying that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, however it is important that the dog’s age and fitness levels are taken into account. All dogs have individual needs and it is important that we understand the life stage they are currently going through so that the classes and exercises are tailored to suit their current needs.

What to bring:

  • Your  dog’s vaccination certificates and ensure that your dog is vaccinated and their boosters are up to date.  They need to be wormed regularly.
  • Bring a toy for your dog to play with.
  • Some treats in a tub or pot (dont use a plastic bag, which at best is fiddly and at worst could be swallowed by a dog)
  • Your dog’s grooming equipment.
  • If you currently use a ‘Halti’ or ‘Gentle leader’ type collar or a hraness then of course bring that.
  • Ensure there is an up to date Identity disc attached to your dog’s collar.
  • Please make sure to bring some bags and to clean up after your dog

Costs: £10 per class – payment may be made in cash or cheque .