Fun Classes

Fun Classes @ The Animal Behaviour Centre

Fun Classes


Our agility classes are intended to be fun and enjoyable for both handlers and dogs and are usually held indoors. Why not come along and teach your dog how go through a tunnel, over jumps, seesaw and ‘A’ frames not only will this give you greater control in handling your dog but will also increase your dog’s confidence. We hold both group and individual sessions.

Scent work

Have you ever wondered how dogs can be trained to search for things using only their noses? Why not learn how to work with your dog to find objects that you have hidden, follow a scent of even to check your vehicle over.

Fly ball

Learn the basics of this canine sport, our classes are not intended for those who wish to compete but for owners whose dogs love to play with a ball.

Tri ball

Teach your dog how to play tri ball (pet football). Great fun for all ball loving pets, teach them to push the ball with their noses and direct them to the left or right until they score a goal.

Distance and Direction Control

Sometimes a recall will not keep your pets safe but if you are able to stop them moving when danger is nearby can save their lives. Learn not only how to stop your pet but to direct them to the left, right and to go further away as well as return to you.

Retrieve Classes

Nothing builds the bond between you and your puppy better than play. Teach your dog to bring things to your hand or drop them at your feet. Retrieving can be a great way of exercising your dog especially when including other equipment for your dog to jump over or go through. Why not teach them to pass your keys, glasses case or even the TV remote!

Recall Classes

Keep your pet safe by teaching them to come to you when you ask. Our recall classes will teach you how to not only call your pet to you but also to return to you by a given hand signal and even when using a whistle.

Clicker Classes

If you have never heard of a clicker, this is a fantastic way to increase your bond and have fun with your dog. Clicker training works well with not only dogs but cats, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs and even birds! It can be used for teaching basic training skills such as the sit or the down to more complex skills such as opening or closing doors and cupboards or even riding a skateboard. Why not learn how to use the clicker to teach your pet lots of fun tricks such as rolling over, spinning around or weaving between your legs?

What to bring:

  • Your  dog’s vaccination certificates and ensure that your dog is vaccinated and their boosters are up to date.  They need to be wormed regularly.
  • Bring a toy for your dog to play with.
  • Some treats in a tub or pot (dont use a plastic bag, which at best is fiddly and at worst could be swallowed by a dog)
  • Your dog’s grooming equipment.
  • If you currently use a ‘Halti’ or ‘Gentle leader’ type collar or a hraness then of course bring that.
  • Ensure there is an up to date Identity disc attached to your dog’s collar.
  • Please make sure to bring some bags and to clean up after your dog

Costs: £10 per class – payment may be made in cash or cheque .